Unlike recreational marijuana, CBD is often used as an oil for many ailments – physical and mental. With CBD and chiropractic care combined, you can be on your way to a pain-free life!
On its own, CBD has skyrocketed in popularity due to its calming effects, versatility in forms of consumption methods, and research on different benefits to your health. CBD’s most common use is often related to offsetting depression and anxiety with human and animal testing proving successful. CBD also helps many who suffer from epilepsy, PTSD, ALS, and those struggling with opioid addictions.
Physically, CBD has been used abroad to treat multiple sclerosis-related central neurotic pain, cancer pain, and other chronic pains. According to Forbes, a 2020 study administered CBD topically to a group of patients with symptomatic peripheral neuropathy caused by brain and spinal nerve damage. Results showed a significant reduction in sharp pains to individuals receiving the dose while others received a placebo to guarantee results were true. No participants reported any side effects.
CBD and Chiropractic Care
Chiropractors often provide a drug-free alternative to pain relief, but sometimes there’s only so much that can be done. When the only solution offered may include medication or surgery additionally to chiropractic care, cannabidiol (CBD) can prove advantageous to supplement adjustments and help further pain relief.
CBD oils have been utilized by chiropractors in growing frequency in recent years, with added benefits of relief from muscle soreness, inflammation, anxiety, arthritis, and an alternative and non-psychoactive solution to opiates. This means that CBD offers all of the health benefits of marijuana without the potential to experience the ‘high’ of THC, a chemical that’s also part of the plant that is separated from CBD.
Are you curious about how CBD can help you and enhance your chiropractic appointments on the road to a pain-free life? Call Gilroy Family Chiropractic today and set up an appointment! We’ll be happy to help and answer any questions or concerns.