The Graston Technique is a unique form of physical therapy. It uses stainless steel instruments diagonally to assess the kinetic chain doing a lot to loosen up muscles and break down scar tissue. With a combination of this technique and therapeutic exercise, you’ll definitely notice pain-free function and movement. The best way our previous clients have described the feeling is an intense massage that you know will be worth it. With how intense this method seems to be, there are quite a few questions people ask. We wanted to highlight some of the most common ones so you understand what the technique will entail. Ask always, if you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to contact us at the office!
Why does scar tissues cause a problem?
Scar tissue can cause a lot of issues with movement, limiting the range and nerves in the affected area. It can cause pain, discomfort, and reduced movement long after you’ve healed from the injury or surgery that caused the scar tissue to be produced.
What are the results of the Graston Technique?
The Graston Technique has about 75% to 90% chance of treating the condition, whether it helps break up the scar tissue or restores function to chronic or acute injuries. This technique can be used before or after surgery depending on the type of injury and surgery.
Will getting Graston Technique treatments affect my daily activities?
We understand that therapy and the treatments themselves can be uncomfortable bordering painful. As time goes on you’ll notice less and less pain each day and after each session. Often we encourage you to resume activities and exercise with moderation. As you progress, you’ll feel more comfortable doing more and more each day.